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The course is conceived within a framework of four fundamental scientific-knowledge domains that underpin chemical engineering as a discipline: i) conservation of matter and energy; ii) structure and properties of matter; iii) equilibrium and spontaneity; and, iv) rates of reaction and transport.
The course comprises six modules. At the end of each module, students are expected to be able to explain observable physical phenomena from a microscopic viewpoint and to apply this understanding to the analysis and solution of practical problems. At the end of the course, students should be able to recognize the relevance of physical chemistry to their own engineering discipline and also be able to communicate with other professionals, including physical chemists and chemical engineers, using appropriate terminology.
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1. Stoichiometry
This unit addresses the following concept domains: Conservation of Matter and Energy, and Structure and Properties of Matter. After completing this unit, students should be able to:
- Apply an understanding of the nature of chemical reactions in terms of atomic conservation to balance chemical equations and calculate stoichiometric quantities, such as yields based on the limiting reagent.
2. States of Matter
This module addresses the following concept domain: Structure and Properties of Matter. After completing this module, students should be able to:
- Compare and contrast the properties of the three states of matter with reference to molecular interactions.
- Apply the ideal gas law to problems involving gases in closed systems.
3. Rate of Reactions
This module addresses the following concept domains: Conservation of Matter and Energy, and Rates of Reaction and Transport. After completing this module, students should be able to:
- Identify the conditions that must be met before a chemical reaction will take place from a molecular perspective.
- Analyze experimental data to determine empirical equations relating the rates of reactions to the temperature and concentrations of the reactants.
4. Phase Equilibrium
This module addresses the following concept domains: Conservation of Matter and Energy, Structure and Properties of Matter, and Equilibrium and Spontaneity. After completing this module, students should be able to:
- Explain phase transitions and the approach to dynamic equilibrium between different phases from microscopic and macroscopic points of view.
- Quantitatively describe a variety of phase equilibria in non-reactive systems.
- Apply your understanding of phase equilibrium to solve a variety of problems relevant to engineering practice and everyday life.
5. Equilibrium in Reactive Systems
This module addresses the following concept domains: Conservation of Matter and Energy, Structure and Properties of Matter, and Equilibrium and Spontaneity. After completing this module, students should be able to:
- Predict the response of a system at equilibrium to a disturbance by considering the dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium and the molecular nature of chemical species.
- Calculate the equilibrium constant or equilibrium concentrations for a variety of gaseous and aqueous reactive systems of broad engineering interest.
6. Equilibrium in Electrochemical Systems
This module addresses the following concept domains: Conservation of Matter and Energy, Structure and Properties of Matter, and Equilibrium and Spontaneity. After completing this module, students should be able to:
- Identify reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions and justify the identification with reference to atomic oxidation states and electron transfer.
- Calculate cell potentials and the direction of spontaneous reaction for cells at standard and non-standard conditions.